



How to Answer “What Is Your Biggest Achievement?” With Samples

How to Answer "What Is Your Biggest Achievement?" interview question

What Is Probation Period and Tips to Pass It Successfully

Embarking on a new job can bring a mix of excitement and stress. It's important to remember that most new positions require a probationary period. In a new job, a probation period can be a...

Remote Work Revolution: How it Shapes Career and Skill Development

It’s understood that more than 95% of all Indian businesses will continue to implement the work-from-home model. Employee commute accounts for approximately 98% of the carbon footprint. The viscosity of a traditional work-from-office model...

How to Write a Maternity Leave Application for Office (5 Samples)

Welcoming a new member into the family is an exciting time, but it’s important to plan ahead, especially when it comes to your professional commitments. One of the most important things to begin from...

Do’s and Don’ts of Serving Notice Period

Congratulations, it looks like you’ve found your dream job and are ready to kickstart your new career journey!  Now that you’ve submitted your resignation letter, the next step is the most important part of the...

20 Popular Group Discussion Topics With Tips

Group discussions are a common part of the selection process done by companies when hiring candidates, here the candidates are given group discussion topics to discuss facts and their opinions. During this process, the...

How to Skillfully Answer the Question: “What Is Your Current CTC?”

In the journey of job hunting, there comes a moment when you are faced with a rather direct question: "What is your current CTC?" This query can feel like a tightrope walk, balancing your...

How to Answer “What is Your Notice Period?”- With Best Examples

Have you ever been questioned, “What is your notice period?” during a job interview or an initial screening call? Recruiters commonly pose this query, and while it may seem straightforward, how you respond significantly...

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